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Sunday Morning Worship

If you're a newcomer to our church or even to the Christian faith, we realize this may be overwhelming. Wherever you are at, we want to meet you on your journey. Here’s a little glimpse into what to expect.


When you arrive, you will see the Welcome Desk.  Feel free to visit it before or after the service if you have questions or comments. We invite you get to know some of the people and familiarize yourself with our facility. Please note there are several handicap parking spots near the main entrance if needed.


The worship service at Emmanuel is liturgical – contemporary, sensitive to the seeker as well as the long-time worshipper. We express our worship and praise through music and song, drama, art, and other gifts God has given to those who attend Emmanuel.
Each week a sermon is preached, which arises from part of the Bible.  We believe the Bible is the true and living word of God.  We believe that the whole Bible points ultimately to Christ.  We believe the Bible is a missional document, which seeks to make disciples that will join Christ on mission in the world. 
Sunday School
 We offer Sunday School for children in preschool through Grade 5, during the Sunday morning worship service. Children are divided into classes according to age, where they learn about the Bible through stories and activities.  Sunday School Children begin worshipping with the adults, and part way through - prior to the sermon - are invited to go upstairs to Sunday School.   

There is no need to register your child ahead of time.   Just check in your child when you arrive.  If it’s your first time, the Welcome Desk volunteer in the foyer will point you in the right direction.
sunday school/nursery

Nursery is a ministry for our little ones ages 0-3. Offered during the Sunday morning service time, parents are welcome to drop off their kids for an engaging and safe place to connect and play, there is no need to register your child ahead of time.   Just check in your child when you arrive.  If it’s your first time, the Welcome Desk volunteer in the foyer will point you in the right direction.  In addition to Sunday mornings, the Nursery Committee hosts baby showers for the first babies of mothers who are attending Emmanuel. 

There is a time during the service when we worship God financially. This is a joy and responsibility for those who consider Emmanuel their church. One collection is for the operations of our church and its many ministries, while the second offering is for other needs the church supports. Money can be placed in either or both offering. Please do not feel obligated.
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